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gardener's Recent Galleries

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25-Mar-2015 10:15
Provence backcountry animals (no cats or birds)
:: Provence backcountry animals (no cats or birds) ::
08-Jun-2014 17:39
Ceux qui marchent debout
:: Ceux qui marchent debout ::
18-May-2014 17:16
Pictures taken by Colette, mostly with her Ixus and D200s
:: Pictures taken by Colette, mostly with her Ixus and D200s ::
07-Apr-2014 09:11
Village children carnival
:: Village children carnival ::
08-Nov-2013 07:46
Renovation of the village stone slab roof.
:: Renovation of the village stone slab roof. ::
13-Oct-2013 15:31
:: Aircraft ::
13-Oct-2013 15:28
::  insects ::
28-Sep-2013 06:42
Nikon 28-300 pictures started in 2011
:: Nikon 28-300 pictures started in 2011 ::
19-Sep-2013 14:53
Nikon V1 with kit, pancake and 18.5mm f1.8 lenses
:: Nikon V1 with kit, pancake and 18.5mm f1.8 lenses ::
14-Sep-2013 01:27
:: colette_skyes ::
01-Sep-2013 07:18
:: provence_back_country ::
25-Aug-2013 03:51
:: helena_concert ::