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dick folger 04-Jun-2011 05:33
Dear Thomas...I would like permission to use your aerial photo of Clipper Cove in our publication, The Helmsman, which is the newsletter for Peralta Sail and Power Squadron. We are having a rendezvous there in August. Our publication is small, only 100 copies, but our gratitude to you would be great. We teach safe boating. Of course I would put your photo credit under the photo. Please let me know.
Dick Folger
Guest 20-Jun-2007 07:03
This is stellar work. If I ever see you, I might just ask for your signature.
James Topf 28-Aug-2006 18:40
Thank you for your wonderful aerial compositions, esp. of West Oakland Estuary (for Jack London Marina setting). It's really helpful for communicating 'geography' back to folks e.g.,in the Midwest. This oblique, low-altitude view exactly expresses the feel of the region, esp. with Bay Bridge, San Francisco in background. I pray someone would make a gallery of all the Bay Area cities/areas this way (in PD free-to-use w/ credits).

With the sailing photos, it's obvious what the vessel is, how pictures were obtained. But the aerials... do you fly? Or just photo'd during a private-plane flight? Would like to learn more about these. (Useful satellite imagery can be obtained from Microsoft TerraServer(color in major urban) but nothing like these oblique views, which folks relate to much easier. However, they require a low-altitude flight, something satellites can never do, thus hard to come by.)
James Isleton, CA
Brando Ho11-Oct-2005 06:41
Hello Thomas,
You had lots of interesting galleries most people don't have. You are in a sailing boat and photographing from the bay. A very different perspective from land......I also saw some photos taken from the air....excellent composition. Thanks for sharing the photos, Thomas.:-)
Ian Rolls 25-Sep-2005 19:48
I would like to use your Fale at Vailima shot on the back page of Vailima ( breweries) annual report. Could you please let me know if you would be willing to allow its usage, what you would charge if you do. I can send you an image of how it would be used ( I won't crop it or rotate it or anything liker that!) I would be most grateful if you could let me know soonest.

ThomasH06-Jun-2002 18:58
Dear TanteNy,

Thanks for the message, I am glad that you like the images.
Please tell me which images do you mean :-) ! The galleries
amounted to 1200 images, I could look at different ones!

jc 06-Jun-2002 01:14
Thank you for the beautiful bridge picture. It brings back some wonderful memories. Is that LW looking for a spinnaker?
Kelly 03-May-2002 09:25
This rocks! Not only can you fly, sail, and torture OCFS, you take great photos.