Message from silvia marmori
I love life, I love to see, to do and feel always more.. to know, to enjoy... to be!
I am Argentine and was born at Quilmes, a city by the Rio de la Plata, one of widest river in the world, so when I watch it, I imagine I am in front of the endless sea..
just I have seagulls and birds, green trees and dark sand.. salty smell from sweet waters… The breeze brings feelings.. the tango, from the suburbs of the near Buenos Aires,
fulfil my soul with melancholy.. with the wishes, with the dreams of those that were.. of those that are.. maybe with the silent hope of those that will be..
Not long ago, and due to unknown, fortuitous reasons, I crossed an edge.. I stopped taking photos and I began seeing the world through my camera…
I was never ever the same..
But we are nothing if we don’t share.. we see with only one eye, we walk with only one leg, our heart beats half speed!…
So, I am trying to share my work, to feel myself complete…
Humble, simple images.. but with my soul in them.