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Guest 15-Dec-2009 14:06
°í«ùÄ~Äò¥ÎPbaseªº­»´ä¤H·U¨Ó·U¤Ö¤F, ¹³§A¸g±`¦³·s¬Û¬Ýªº§ó¤Ö©O~

§Ú³ßÅw§Aªº¥Í¬¡¤è¦¡, ¤@¦³®É¶¡´N­¥¹Cª±¼Ö, µh§Öªºª±¼Ö¹L°÷! ¦h¦n! ¦h¦n!

Guest 11-May-2007 10:19
Dear Zeus,
You have so beautifuly photos in yours portfolio...Excellent my friend...Excellent work...Greetings from Montenegro, old/new country in Europa...I will come back with pleasure...
Alex Lau06-Nov-2006 04:03
Hi Zeus,

Thank you for stopping by my album and your kind comment!!! You have many good shots as well. I miss Hong Kong so much and wish to see more of your Hong Kong photos!!! Add oil and I will come back often!!!


Alex 23-May-2006 15:38
Incredible.. Ken
zeusho30-Nov-2005 16:48
To Benny Gee,

Have you got all the answers now?
zeusho30-Nov-2005 16:44

zeusho17-Oct-2005 07:22
Hi Benny Gee,

I will translate what i mentioned into English and email you tonight...
zeusho16-Oct-2005 12:32
Hi Benny Gee,


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zeusho14-Oct-2005 16:31
Hi Benny Gee,

Sorry for the very late reply. I will post your question in my forum and also answer at here:
¬Y¤H 04-Sep-2005 16:25
°¸Åª¼w°ê­õ¾Ç®aWalter BenjaminªºµÛ§@,¥L½Í¨ì©Ò¿×§@«~ªºAura(ÆF¥ú):¿W¯S©Ê¡B¯u¹ê©Ê©M¦Û¥D©Ê;³o¤£¸T¥O§Ú·Q°_§A©Ò©çªº·Ó¤ù¡CµL¥L,¦³»¡"Äá¼v"¬O°ß¤@¥i¥H§âÀþ¶¡¾®©Tªº´C¤¶,¬Ý§Aªº§@«~,§ó¦h²K¤@¥÷½à¤ß®®¥Ø,§ó¬O¡uÄà¡v¼v§a!
zeusho21-Aug-2005 17:23
To Benny Gee,

please contact me by, thx!
zeusho21-Jul-2005 14:10
To Guest (?)

Thank you very much! Hope that we can work together next time...
Guest 20-Jul-2005 07:25
Your photos are very impressive and excellent. I have already passed this website to you.

Stay cool!!!


P.S. (I am the one who worked together with you and other colleagues in Shatin horseracing course on 10Jul.)
zeusho08-Jul-2005 17:00
To Tim,

Tim 08-Jul-2005 03:08
zeusho19-Jun-2005 17:39
Hi Tommy,

Really thanks to your comments. I sent a e-mail to you, please check.
tommy 19-Jun-2005 13:08
I have visited you web-site, and found it amazing. As I am only a beginner, and hope that you can teach me to take excellent photos like you. Will you join any photo taking activity, if yes, please tell me so that I can join with you and learn from you.
zeusho04-Jun-2005 18:22
Hi Mariyah Gaspacho,

Many thanks for visiting my galleries... :>
zeusho04-Jun-2005 18:21
Hi Erkan Erdem¡G

Very happy with that Sony W-5 now and maybe for a long time... really looking forward to your shots by it...please buy it immediately! :)
Guest 04-Jun-2005 08:10
hi there! you've got some impressive shots!! good work =D
Erkan Erdem04-Jun-2005 00:03
Hi Ho Chi Yuen,
Really nice photos...
Especially now where I was thinking to buy a new camera and was between Kodak 6440 and Sony W5, you made my mind up to buy the W5.
If you want the truth in these days I will go for it but before that...
Are you still HAPPY with your camera...
Thanks and greetings...
zeusho28-May-2005 13:02
To Guest(?):

Thanks! Please visit my galleries again for further updates!
Guest 27-May-2005 22:13
Beautiful photos! I'd love to learn your W5/W1 techniques.
zeusho10-Apr-2005 04:20
Hello! JonathanªB¤Í¡G

Guest 29-Mar-2005 16:26
Zeus, §A¦n!

¬Û«H§A·|¦³§ó¦h¤£¦P·sªº§@«~±À¥X! Ä~Äò§V¤O¾¾~
zeusho19-Mar-2005 06:02
Thanks a lot!
âH³· 18-Mar-2005 21:01
Enjoy your galleries!wonderful!!!^^
zeusho14-Feb-2005 04:04

²Ä¤@¡A¡u¼vªÀ·|ªº¤H¡v¡A§Ú·Q§AÀ³¸Ó·Q»¡¬O§Ú­Ìªº¥Í¬¡¤@ÂI¤@ºw¡A¨º¬O¨ä¤¤¤@ºØÄá¼vÃD§÷¡A·íµM¬O¦³¤H¡u¤£°÷Áx¼v¡v¡A¦ý¥ç¦³¤H¹ï³o­ÓÃD§÷¨S¦h¤jªº¿³½ì¡A§Ú¥¿¬O«áªÌ (·íµM¥ç¦³¨ä¥L­ì¦]¡A·|«áªí)¡A­nª¾¹DªÀ·|¥Í¬¡µÛ¤£¦Pªº¤H¡A³ß¦n¦U¦³¤£¦P¡A¨Ã¤£¯à»¡¨S¦³¤£¦h³o¤è­±ªº§@«~´N¬O¡u¤£°÷Áx¼v¡v¡A²Ä¤G¡A¤ß¥Ø¤¤ªº¡u¼v¤H¡vÃD§÷»Ý­n¦³¤@©wªº¾¹§÷°t¦X¡A§A©Ò¬Ý¨ìªº¥u¬O¨Ï¥Î¤@¯ëªºDC©çÄá¡A¤O¦³¤£³q¤§³B¡A¤£¹L¤£¤[ªº±N¨Ó±N·|¦³§ó¦h¦³Ãöªº§@«~µoªí¡C

cmf 10-Feb-2005 09:05
¥u±o­·´º, ¤Ó§N¦B¦B, ¨S¦³¤Hªº¬Û¦h¼Æ¤]¨S¦³²`«×~
zeusho02-Jan-2005 10:59
¹ï¤£°_¡A§Ú¹ï¼v¤H¨S¦³¿³½ì¡K¤@¬Ý¨£¨º¤@¨Ç³ò¦íModel (¤×¨ä¬O¤k©Ê)ªº¤H­Ì (¦h¬O¨k©Ê)¤ß¤¤«Ü¦³¨Ç"¤£¥H¬°µM"ªº·Pı (·íµM¼v¤H¨Ã¤£¤@©w¬O³o¤@Ãþ)¡I­Ó¤H³ß¦n©çÄá­·´º¡A¤£¹L±N¨Ó©çÄá§ó¦h°Êª«ªº§@«~¡I­Ó¤H»{¬°¼v¤H¨Ã¤£¤@©w¦³§ó¦hªºÅé·|¡A©çÄá­·´º·Ó¤@¼Ë¥i¥H¦³«Ü¦hªºÅé·| (§Ú·Q§Ú¨Ã¥¼¨ì®a¦Ó¤w)µL½×¦p¦ó¡AÁÂÁ§Aªº·N¨£¡I
cmf 31-Dec-2004 18:19
­ø~~~~¼v¦h0ªº¤H°Õ, ¼v¤H¤~·|¥O§AªºÄá¼v§Þ³Nºc¹Ïµ¥¶i¨B
zeusho14-Dec-2004 08:25
°£¤FSony F707¡BSony F-828¤ÎKonica Minolta A-2ªºgalleries¥~ (³¡¥÷¨Ï¥Î¤FCPL)¡A¨ä¥L©Ò¦³¬Û¤ù§¡¨S¦³¨Ï¥Î¥ô¦óFilter©çÄá (¥HSony W-1¤ÎCanon G-6©Ò©çÄ᪺¬Û¤ù)¡C¥t¤@ÂI­«­nªº¬O¡A©çÄá©]¼vªºÃn¥ú®É¶¡¨ÃµL¤@©w (¨Ã¤£¤@©w¬O15s¡A¶Ç²ÎµáªLªºÃn¥ú®É¶¡¸ò²{®É¬y¦æªºDC/DSLR­pºâ¤èªk¥ç¤£¤j¬Û¦P)¡A¦Ó¥B©çÄá©]´º®É¨Ã¤£¤@©w¬OF8.0¬°³Ì¦n(¤@¯ëDCªº³Ì¤p¥ú°é­È¬°F8.0)¡A¦]¬°¦³®É·|¥X²{¬P¨~®ÄªG¹L¥÷®i²{ªº±¡ªp¡C
¤p³Á 12-Dec-2004 05:17

¦]¬°·í§Ú©]±ß¼v..¥Î15s exposure®É
zeusho10-Dec-2004 16:12
¤£­n¤Ó«È®ð¡I½ÐºÉ±¡¨É¨ü¥HCanon G-6©çÄ᪺¼Ö½ì¡I
¦w­}¦w 09-Dec-2004 03:31
zeusho30-Nov-2004 14:57
¦w­}¦w 29-Nov-2004 14:29
Ãö©óÁY²Ó¬Ûo¬Jsize¡A§Ú¥­®É¥Î¶}Office 2003 o¬J "Picture Manager"¡AResize o¬J®ÄªG­ø¿ù¡A¦pªG§A¦³©O­Ósoftwareªº¸Ü¡A¤£§«¸Õ¸Õ¡I
zeusho28-Nov-2004 11:58
§Ú¬O¥HUlead Photo Explorer 8.0§@resize¬Û¤ù¤§¥Î¡C¤£¹L¡uª¯¤ú¡v¨Ã¤£Ãö³o­Ó°ÝÃDªº¨Æ¡A¦Ó¬O§Ú¨Ï¥Î¤FPbase¬Û鷺ªº¡uRecompress Originals¡v¥\¯à¡A¥Øªº¦b©ó§Æ±æ¨C¤@±i¬Û¤ù¥i¥H¦û§ó¤Öªº®e¶q¡A¨Ï§ÚªºPbase¬Ûï¥i¥H©ñ¤U§ó¦h¥»¤HªºÄá¼v§@«~¡C
zeusho28-Nov-2004 11:54
¦hÁ§A¦A¦¸¥úÁ{§ÚªºÃ¯¤W¬Ûï¡K¦bÄá¼v¤¤¡Aºc¹Ïªº¨ú±Ë¡BÃn¥úªº±±¨î¤Î®É¶¡ªº´x´¤½T¹ê¬O¡u¥D°Êªº¡B°Ñ»P©Êªº³Ð³y¡v¡A¦Ó¦³¥t¤@ÂI¬Û·í­«­nªº¬O - ¾÷½t¡A¦³¤@¨Çµe¤ù½T¬O¥i¤@¤£¥i¦A¤Î¥i¹J¤£¥i¨D¡C¦n¦b§Ú©çÄ᪺¥D­n¬O­·¼v«Ø¿v¡A³o¤è­±ªº°ÝÃD¤£¤j¡A¦ý¥»¤H¥¿ºc«ä·sÃþºØªºÃD§÷¡A§Æ±æ¦bµu®É¶¡¦³¬ÛÃöªº¬Û¤ù¸ò¤j®a¤À¨É¡C
zeusho28-Nov-2004 11:43
Thanks a lot!
¦w­}¦w 26-Nov-2004 13:59
§Aoªº¬Û¥ÎÉA³¥softwareÁY²Ó¡H ¦n¦ü¦³¤p¤pª¯¤úËÝ..
Guest 19-Nov-2004 11:57
well done
¬Y¤H 18-Nov-2004 05:17
zeusho24-Oct-2004 12:30
Billy 24-Oct-2004 10:23
oh...but can you tell me your icq. no?
I forget to ask..=_=
thx for reply!!
zeusho23-Oct-2004 15:18
You are welcome!
Billy 22-Oct-2004 08:58
Mr Ho

I am a student which like taking photos,can I add u in my icq list le?
thx for reply^^
zeusho01-Oct-2004 01:17
¤pºëÆF 28-Sep-2004 07:37

§Ú«Y¤@­ÓÄá¼vªºªù¥~º~¡A¦ý²{·Q¶R¤@³¡¼Æ½X¬Û¾÷¡Asize­n»´¥©¤ÎÀH¨­Äâ±a¡A¥»¤H¤ñ¸û³ßÅwsony¡A½Ð°Ý§A¦³§_¥ô¦ó·N¨£¡A¨ä¹ê§ÚªºÄá¼v§Þ³N¨Ã¤£¦n¡A¦]¦¹¦b¼v©]´º®É®ÄªG­ø¦n¡AËݧAı±opanasonic ªº fx7 ªº¨¾¤â¾_¬O§_¦³§@¥Î?

·Ð½Ð¦^ÂСA¥i¥H¥Hicq, no 5924 8624 ©Î email¡C

zeusho13-Aug-2004 12:33





Nikita Ho 13-Aug-2004 11:10




zeusho08-Aug-2004 02:18
Thank you very much for you message. I will keep sharing my photos with all of my friend, including you.
zeusho08-Aug-2004 02:17
Serena 07-Aug-2004 15:02
Stanislav 03-Aug-2004 08:11
Dear Mr. Ho Chi Yuen,
thank You very much for the great photos that You share with us. It's a pleasure to visit your galeries and at the same time it's posible to learn more from your pics. Thank You again and keep sharing your experience.

P.S. I highly recommend Mr. Ho Chi Yuen's advice. He is a very good photographer and a responsive man.
zeusho31-Jul-2004 01:50
Hi jsyd,

Sony W-1 is a point and shoot digital camera while V-1 is a prosumer digital camera packed with full advanced manual function, so I can't make any comparsion between them. I love both of them, as they can do the job well most of the time. Highly recommended to others.
jsyd 30-Jul-2004 11:55
Enjoyed viewing your photos. Question: How do you like the Sony W1 vs V1?

Thanks. Keep sharing.
zeusho28-Jul-2004 13:59
Thanks! Please visit my galleries again as there will be a lot of new pics next time!
bernard 26-Jul-2004 23:08
I think these series are one of the best on pbase !
I wonder how your photo's will be in the original format.
zeusho20-Jul-2004 02:57
zeusho20-Jul-2004 02:49
¬Y¤H 16-Jul-2004 18:40
Sony W-1 Samples(²Ä¤K¿è),ºÉÅã¡uªF¤è¤§¯]¡vªºµºÄR¹Ü¥Ø,
Carman 14-Jul-2004 13:03
¦n¬üªº©]´º¾¾! ¥Î¦×²´½T¹êÃø¥H®·®»¦¹¨èªº¥ú±m¹Ü¥Ø! Ä~Äò§V¤O±a¥X­»´äªº¬ü§a!
zeusho13-Jul-2004 16:19
Thanks for your key comments. I will keep up my job, than inform you if the next gallary is complete.
zeusho13-Jul-2004 16:17
As I claimed myself before, I will never do any photo processing with softwares to all of my belove photos (it's history)... I post them (just resize them) directly after shooting. My Sony W-1 's user setting is: sharpness +1, contrast +1 and saturation +1, that is.
Clarence CHING 13-Jul-2004 15:20
Zeus, I go through all your photos and find that you have improvement over your previous sets. You can photo something special out of those ordinary object. That is very important. We call this ARTS.

Keep up your effort and share your experience with me.
Edward 12-Jul-2004 12:19
Hi there

I wanted to ask if the posted pictures were "touched up" in Photoshop or they are just as you shot them? I am asking because the results look very good and impressive.
zeusho11-Jul-2004 12:00
Dear Julian,

Can you read Chinese? Please inform me if you don't. I have told you my telephone number by e-mail, please call me if you like as we can make friend with each others, and please kindly visit my Sony W-1 Topic at DCFever:
spritescream 11-Jul-2004 08:16
Hello Chi Yuen!

Just wondering if you bought the Sony DSC W1 camera in HK? May I know how much did you pay for it and at which shop? I will be travelling to HK next week and would like to purchase this camera (yeah after seeing the pics at your gallery as I was deciding btw this model and P100). Please do email me at to let me know. Thanks :)
zeusho10-Jul-2004 18:18
Thanks! Please visit my galleries again.
Guest 10-Jul-2004 17:36
nice work,man!
zeusho03-Jul-2004 13:17
¦hÁ¡I§Ú©Ò©çÄ᪺¥¿¬O§Ú©Ò©~¦íªº¦a¤è - ­»´ä¡A¤£¥ÎªY¸r¡A§A¥i¥H¨Ó­»´äªº§r¡I
Sony W-1·íµM¬O¤@³¡«Ü¦nªº¬Û¾÷¡I
P. S. ¬Ý¨Ó§A·íµM¡uè°¥J¡v©O¡I
Guest 02-Jul-2004 13:46
zeusho27-Jun-2004 02:14
¬Y¤H 26-Jun-2004 18:12
Æ[¥GSony W-1 Samples (²Ä¤­¿è)¤Î(²Ä¤»¿è),
zeusho23-Jun-2004 12:20
zeusho22-Jun-2004 16:20
Thanks for your comments. Till now, i don't have much interest in taking Portrat image (my taste?), actuality I love taking landscape shots, or capturing something about our environment and life, especially in Hong Kong. As I don't have much time to visit other countries, I do want to show others more about my lovely Hong Kong. Please visit my gallaries again.
vtv 22-Jun-2004 15:22
Hi Zeus,

It's always good to see pictures by different photographers, and you photos are very nice. Similar to what the below guest suggested, it seems that you are more inclined to framing, artistic forms and visual impact of the picture as a whole. Portrats might not be something that matches your taste.

Looking forward to seeing more pictures.

zeusho22-Jun-2004 01:37
Thanks for your comments.
zeusho22-Jun-2004 01:36
Thanks a lot! Please visit my galleries again.
zeusho22-Jun-2004 01:33
You are welcome!
zeusho22-Jun-2004 01:30
Thanks! When will you come back to Hong Kong?
¬Y¤H 21-Jun-2004 18:36
»Õ¤U¹ï¬y½u«¬ªºªF¦è¦ü¥G±¡¦³¿WÁé,«ÜµÛ­«¡u½u±ø¡vÀç³y¥X¨Óªº®ÄªG¡C¥HSony W-1 Samples (²Ä¤T¿è)¬°¨Ò,Äá¼v¹ï¶H¦U²§,¦ý¡u½u±ø¬ü¡v§Ï©»¬O¨C´T¬Û¤ùªº°ò½Õ¡C
Weskar 08-May-2004 04:58
Very good!! Zeus keep going!
Clarence CHING 26-Apr-2004 02:39
I am so surprised that your photos are so beautiful. No matter the framing, exposure and the message delivered in it is so unique. Keep it up with the talent you have.
josephine 17-Mar-2004 16:36
These photos are very nice! Keep it on and share with others
Herman 13-Mar-2004 04:56
Good job, keep it up!
Tsoi Hak Kin 07-Jan-2004 10:17
Dear Ho Chi Yuen/zeusho

I saw your article in DCfever and find you are very familiar with F828, would you like to publish you review of F828 in magazine? Please phone to me 25701176 or email asap.

Best regards,

Tsoi Hak Kin
Photography Publishers